As you may have noticed, I am a collector of quotes. There is a real art to summarizing big ideas into but a few words.
Bursting the rose colored bubble, colored pencil*
“Until we can remove from the minds of the people the impression that the current Christianity of the age is true Christianity, we can do but little towards promoting a revival of pure religion.”
-Charles Finney, Revivalist 1792-1875
I don’t understand my own feelings, colored pencil
“We need to let ourselves tell our stories of love — how love came to us over the course of our lives, or how it did not come, or how it left. We need to tell the story so that we understand.”
-Gerald May, psychiatrist and theologian
Someone Else’s Volition, colored pencil
“Boys are taught, sometimes with the best of intentions, to mutate their emotional suffering into anger.” -Andrew Reiner,Towson University, the New York Times